Welcome to the College of Materials Sciences and Opto-Electronic Technology, GUCAS. The College of Materials Sciences and Opto-Electronic Technology was founded in December, 2008. In the Autumn of 2009, the College enrolled the first group of graduate students. The College is undertaking the first-year educational project for graduate students from Institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences all around the country and mainly in the areas of Materials Science and Opto-Electronic Technology. While remaining true to GUCAS's commitment to excellence in graduate education, we have a growing reputation for research in materials science and Opto-Electronics. The College also has its own graduate students to finish the whole training process from Master till Doctor.
This web site is designed to provide people with the information about the College of Materials Science and Opto-Electronics Technology, GUCAS, and to serve as a resource for CMO and outside scientists, students, and staff.